30 Teaching Saturdays
Autumn Term 2024
7, 14, 21, 28 September
5 October – closed due to JAGS Open day
12, 19 October
9, 16, 23, 30 November
7, 14 December
Spring Term 2025
11, 18, 25 January
1, 8 February
15 February – Make-Up day for lessons missed due to whole school closure eg snow, or teacher absence.
1, 8, 15, 22, 29 March
26 April
24 May – Make-Up day for lessons missed due to whole school closure eg snow, or teacher absence.
5 July

CONCERTS 2024-25
Xmas Concerts
Saturday 7 December – Soloists, Senior Strings and Guitar Ensemble
Saturday 14 December – Soloists, Choirs, Junior Strings, Cello Ensemble, Jazz Band and Flute Ensemble.
Spring Concerts
Saturday 15 March - Soloists
Saturday 29 March - Soloists
Summer Concerts
Saturday 17 May – Soloists, Senior Strings, Beginner Strings and Guitar Ensemble
Saturday 21 June – Soloists, Choirs, Junior Strings, Cello Ensemble, Jazz Band and Flute Ensemble.
(Piano Duos/Trios are signed up on an individual basis to any of the above concerts when ready to perform)
Parents are invited to watch their child’s classes at Open Days. This is a great way to see the journey your child takes with us each week at JASSPA as well as catch up with progress in one to one lessons.
Open Days:
1:1 MUSIC LESSONS - on the last Saturday of each term.
ENSEMBLES & CHOIRS - on the last Saturday of each term unless the ensemble/choir is performing in a concert the same day.
Please note: Theory does not have Open Days. Instead pupils take exams in June.

Jasspa hosts music exams 3 times a year.
Practical Exams 2024-25
Winter: 9am- 6pm, Tuesday 17 December ABRSM Exams
(with accompanist rehearsals on Monday 16 December)
Spring: 9am- 6pm, Tuesday 1 April ABRSM Exams
(with accompanist rehearsals on Monday 31 March)
Summer: 9am- 6pm, Tuesday 8 July – ABRSM and Trinity Exams
(with accompanist rehearsals on Monday 7 July)
Theoretical Music Exams 2025
Theory exams will be taken online, at home, in the summer term on the weekend of 28-29 June, or as required for pupils taking one to one theory classes.